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The Monsters
roaming outside the walls
"entities of bloodlust"

TL;DR: Monsters have unique bodies, varying from beast to beast. Their existence is completely strange and out of the ordinary.

Hello There!

Unfortunately, the bestiary is not on the site. My deepest apologies!

Hi! We, the staff team, edit elements on this site by hand. t is quite the hassle to constantly update it alongside doing quite a few other duties, both virtual and IRL! We hope this isn't too much trouble. However, to possibly compensate, we do have a Monster of the Month! Take a look at the monsters we at Home adore!


Basic Information


Monster Description: The creature is a small amphibian with various features that may differ from monster to monster. They are usually very vibrantly colored with patterns or different shaped eyes, heads, and bodies. They have long and sticky tongues which they use to catch their prey, which can also range in color. Phantasm’s get around by hopping or scooting with their powerful hind legs.

Danger Level (0-10): A scale ranging from 0 to 5 depending on the poison level (0 is harmless with possible skin irritating symptoms and 5 would give you strong auditory and visual hallucinations that could have lasting effects.)

Signs of Aggression: Vocal croaks and venom spitting. These monsters are usually not aggressive unless you stumble onto their nest or into their territory.

General Monster Location: Galpar Hollow, Artida Marsh, freshwater bogs, or sometimes even kept in Home illegally to be used for "medicinal" purposes. They like to be in wet damp areas with plenty of moisture and shade. Phantasms are ground dwelling creatures that tend to make their home in tree stumps or under rocks.

Monster Weakness: You could honestly just cut them up a little bit or kick them but then remember to wipe off any weapons or clothing that may have touched the creature.


Can this monster be tamed?: No, you cannot touch a Phantasm, but sometimes when kept as pets they remain more docile because they are being fed.

Combat Prowess, Collectables, & History

It is said that Phantasm’s crawled out from the deepest cavern in Galpar Hollow that has long since been closed up. They began as normal frogs of green and brown color, evenly proportioned, hopped, ate insects, etc. But in this cavern their diet would mainly consist of the mushrooms that grew there. These mushrooms possessed magic qualities, and by ingesting in large quantities, it began to evolve the frogs' very DNA. Their blood and body excretions possess psychedelic properties that were passed on from the mushrooms that morphed the frog into a more dangerous, Phantasm. It’s very obvious to spot the difference.


Some accounts of the creature's poisonous excretion incidents have been documented as either the Phantasm spitting at them in aggression to accidental skin contact. There have been reports of mild auditory hallucinations, to moderate visual ones, to even a combination of both. These hallucinations can be deceiving or debilitating especially if one is unknown to their surroundings. People report hearing loved ones, monsters, ringing, and screaming. Side effects could also include excessive sweating, loss of balance, and a sense of existential dread or paranoia.

Appearance Related Information

Height: .5 - 1.5 feet tall

Weight: 2 - 10 lbs

Distinguishing Characteristics: Slimy skin, patterns, multiple eyes or feet, horns, vibrant eyes, teeth.





Basic Information


Monster Name: Owever.

Monster Description: A combination between a wolf and a raven.

Danger Level (0-10): 3

Signs of Aggression: Squawking, Warped Sounds of Ravens

General Monster Location: Corvidhunds tend to avoid areas that are cold, but can still be seen practically everywhere.

Monster Weakness: Corvidhunds are weak to both physical and magic attacks.


Can this monster be tamed?: Yes

Combat Prowess, Collectables, & History

While it is a vicious hybrid, the Corvidhund has not proven to be extremely dangerous. Much like the Vict, they are nothing but nuisances. This bird’s feathers can be used in potion brewing and applied to clothing for special effects. They can also be tamed if fed, or captured while they’re in their adolescence.

Appearance Related Information

Height: 6’6” ft. (Male), 5’1” ft. (Female)

Weight: 40 kg.

Distinguishing Characteristics: N/A





Basic Information


Monster Name: A relatively small, yet dangerous, monster. These black creatures are a strange mixture of feline qualities and primate qualities. They have no visible, standard eyes, but instead see via infrared through their horns.

Monster Description: Singing song for song, they charm the ears of their listeners and pull them out of the frontlines. Once an adventurer is in their grasps, they’ll refuse to let go.

Danger Level (0-10): Greatly varies. If frenzied they are easily an 8 - if bloated they fall around a 1-2.5. If encountered normally each Lancer is around a 5.5 on the danger scale.

Signs of Aggression: Their proboscis like tongue being present.

General Monster Location: Galpar Hollow

Monster Weakness: Their hunger


Can this monster be tamed?: No.

Combat Prowess, Collectables, & History

The Lancer is a strange monster, and is akin to the Blood Wisp in powers, though on a smaller scale. They use their lance-like tongue that is similar to a proboscis in function to steal small amounts of blood from humans. Typically these creatures steal a bit of blood from different people to get an array of blood stored in their system. However they are their own downfall, as they can become addicted to a certain color of blood, and this addiction depends entirely on the Lancer. If they fill themselves on one blood color alone they become "bloated" and sickened, which in turn causes the other members of their small troop (10-20 members) to feed off of them in a viscous manner, which typically results in the bloated Lancer's death. When frenzied a Lancer is completely out of blood and they are dangerous in this state. If you see a pitch-black Lancer with no traces of blood? Pray.

If you are able to kill a Lancer their tail can be extremely useful! This tail, due to the natural blood-filled scutes present, can release an array of magical, blood related attacks. However the tail decomposes quickly, and can only be used five combat based turns after the host Lancer is killed. After that it is useless.

Appearance Related Information

Height: 4ft at the tip of their horns

Weight: 0~ pounds unbloated ; when bloated on blood they're around 80 pounds

Distinguishing Characteristics: Lack of eyes ; long, whip like tail ; the strange horns ; various veins that run through the creature in a rainbow like fashion when filled with different blood colors.



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