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Recently, it has been decided to allow the House of Brilliance and the Adventurer's Guild to experiment with magic items. While before, magic items could be created with monster ingredients, it's been decided to allow Adventurers to donate their blood and fuse it with swords, spears, chest plates, rings, and other types of gear in order to create something potentially unique and unheard of. This has been extended to seasoned adventurers who are believed to be trustworthy, and some scientists in the House of Brilliance. They will oversee the creation of the weapons in certified forges, and keep track of how viable they are in combat against monsters. Only approved adventurers will be allowed to use this gear. Weapons and other items that are deemed to dangerous will be kept in the House of Brilliance and may only be used upon approval.

Most magic items are simple to create; during the forging process, manacore, blood and a monster ingredient are combined to craft an item with unique effects. The more skilled the smith, the better the weapon!

Below, you will be able to preview some of the items members of Home have created thus far. Some weapons will be available for public use; others are tied to specific characters. Weapons with the star symbol next to their creator's icons are 'beta items,' meaning they were one of the first magic items to be created as magic items expanded.



Created by Roman Fian | Beark Claw + Pink Blood | Private Use


Fueled by the efficiency of Beark Claws, the reach of this sword's stabs and jabs are increased; should the user stab forward, a sharp projectile will shoot forward for an extra five feet, piercing whatever it comes into contact with. While wielding the item, Roman can hurl a string of vulgar insults towards a hostile enemy he sees. If they can hear him, they will become enraged, and will only target him for the next few minutes.


Those with a keen eye would see that since pink blood had been fused with the weapon, its vulnerable to break like any other pink blood spells would. Also, if his vulgarities aren’t vulgar enough, hostile enemies will not become enraged. The weapons piercing ability has a cooldown of 5 posts, while the enraged effect can be done once a day with a life of 2 posts.



Created by Fiora Valentine | Glimopod Fluid + Blue Blood | Private Use


"For some odd reason, without knowing why, this gives me a hope I’ve never had; a hope that someone is actually rooting for me. I want to root for them too!”


At first glance, it’s a mere plastic accessory—a simple hair pin that occasionally adorns Fiora’s black locks here and there. When held under light, however, the hair pin reflects the illumination with a glamorous blue luster. Who knew a bargain bin clip could look… not bargain-ish?


The charities of genuine sacrifices and their accidental successes—much like the suffering of failed reckless behavior—are often underestimated. While this hair pin is fastened to Fiora’s hair, it understands when she puts her ego and knack for self-preservation aside to help those closest to her. Riskily aiding a teammate during combat and succeeding will cause the hair pin to glow a subtle blue. Both Fiora and the ally she helped will find themselves suddenly back in pristine condition. All their injuries will be healed.


A smile, a kind word, and a listening ear can heal something that can’t be seen. Alongside this, when an ally is in distress and Fiora notices, she may let them hold the hair pin. Though it is small, when it senses dismay, it will become warm, gaining a comfortable thermal radiance. Should the upset comrade hold it, they’ll feel as if it’s holding them back. The more empathetic Fiora is towards her ally, the more snug the hair pin will be.


Birds of a feather fly together, after all!


Should Fiora’s sacrifice fail or be in vain, any wounds she gained throughout the battle will grow worse. Gashes may deepen and bleed more; cuts may widen; the pain will be enhanced. Until those wounds are tended to, she may not use magic. It’s quite a price to pay for failure.



Created by Justice D. Matthew | Vict Eye + Purple Blood | Private Use


The Tome of Judgment's words are scribed in blood, and ever shifting.


It seems to drink blood as though itself a living creature! Don't worry, it's just a little thirsty. This grimoire has two fascinating abilities; first the binding and release of a monster's soul ( though this is as the result of Justice's magic and not a function of the book itself ) and the revealing of secrets.


Spill blood onto a blank page, and the parchment will absorb the liquid- in exchange a secret will be shared. The blood will form letters and spell out a few paragraphs of information on whatever source the blood came from. Generally it will be information that the wielder does not know, and relates to the magic or makeup of the blood. For a human it might be a few paragraphs describing the capabilities of one of their spells, while feeding it monster blood may reveal previously unknown abilities, weakness, or simply some niche fact of their biology. What you get isn't always the most useful.


The book will only give one secret per type of blood. This means it will only reveal one fact on a monster- even if given two doses of blood that came from two separate beings of the same species. If offered the same blood twice, it will simply stain the page.


Fortunately blood is so different among humans, the tome will reveal a secret from any individual so long as it has not been used for them before. The only exception to this rule is Justice himself, who's blood the book will always accept, and it is much more personal with what it reveals. He has to be carful not to receive any papercuts.


After revealing the secret, the writing will stay on the paper until it is torn out. Somehow the book never has any fewer pages- no matter how many are pulled.

torment | guts & glory

Created by Stone Eventide | Tooth Mole Teeth + Red Blood | Private Use


While certainly not the first weapon Stone has forged as part of the smithing squad, Torment is no doubt the best work of the red-blood's. With a razor sharp edge, the greatsword is more than capable of slicing and crushing foes, leaving devastating wounds. The blade is heavy to those who don't have the proper strength to wield it, and the handle is rather short, allowing the user to only use the weapon one-handed.


The middle of the blade has gained a red hue due to the infusion of his blood to the weapon, a light glow come from this part of the weapon before it's blood ability comes into play. The mighty greatsword can split into two sharp swords, dubbed "Guts & Glory" by the red-blood, and the dual blades can form back into Torment at will. Stone must be holding both Guts and Glory to form them back into Torment, attempting to do so without one of them in hand will lead to literally nothing.

The other innate ability of this weapon comes via the infused Tooth Mole Teeth, given to the red-blood via Casimir and other associates. Torment is a living weapon, a mouth forming at the hand guard once the forging processes was complete. A light growl can be heard every now and then from this weapon's mouth, this indicates when the sword can be "fed". When fed, the edge of the blade becomes serrated and the teeth start constantly revving, effectively turning it into a chainsaw-like weapon.

The feeding can only happen when the sword is formed into Torment, as the mouth doesn't appear upon Guts and Glory. The duration of the saw depends on what's fed to the blade (At Admin / DM's Digression). If the weapon effect is activated when formed as Torment, it carries onto Guts & Glory.

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