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The Adventurer's Guild

The Adventurer's Guild was originally started by Silas Maddox with the goal of obtaining first-hand knowledge about the lands beyond the kingdom. Decades ago were their days of glory, flourishing with enthusiastic warriors and the upmost brilliant of scientists; joining it was nearly a fever dream, as an adventurer was capable of achieving strength, intelligence, and glory! Nowadays, however, days are quite the opposite—grey, dreary, and hard to get by. The status of adventurers have diminished due to no one really seeing the point of it all. Most soldiers die while on expeditions due to negligence. Hell, most adventurers are criminals! Mentally unstable!


The guild's golden age unfortunately disappeared with Amelia Favurheart and, surprisingly, was overshadowed by the House of Brilliance.

Even still, there are few who remain loyal to the guild. Most are warriors who stem from strong families that were once a part of the Royal Guard; others are the local 'crazies,' whose curiosity about war and the wilderness just may kill them. 

Most people are able to approach the Guild's HQ and speak with a receptionist, who aids said person in joining the Guild when they express their interest. Their name, blood color, abilities, background, and whatnot are noted from there. Because being an adventurer is dangerous and one may be signing their life away, the leaders and 

recruiters don't care about who the person is or what background they have—it is estimated an adventurer may perish after third official adventure, anyhow, unless they're lucky. Though, that doesn't mean lying to the superiors is easy or beneficial.

An adventurer's history is shared with the General, the Commander, and at times, the Colonels if it's necessary. Typically, they take time out of their day to do their own research and validate if a new recruit's information is real... At least, the parts that matter. An adventurer's past is confidential, however, so they will not share any details they uncover to anyone ranked below them.

Likewise, the Guild does do their fair share of scouting and recruiting. Colonels—and at times, the average adventurer—attempt to convince those they deem fit to be a part of the Guild, alongside plastering flyers everywhere and keeping in contact with those who're either seeking excitement or down on their luck. When desperate for adventurers, the leaders may prowl through the Bastille or Oriel, offering criminals, the unlucky, and/or the insane a chance at life again.

Training is offered, but many who participate in the Guild tend to be well versed in combat and wilderness survival. It's assumed it's because many were either a part of the Guard or were big time criminals. That's one upside to recruiting murderers, ay?


  • ADMIRAL: The one in charge of the entire kingdom's forces, and supervises both the Adventurer's Guild and the Royal Guard. A position only the greatest warriors (or most corrupt) can hope to achieve.

  • GENERAL: These individuals are in charge of the districts. They run either the Royal Guard, the Guild, and/or the branches in their respective districts.

  • BRIGADIER: Just below the General are the Brigadiers. They help run the specialties in the respective districts they serve. Soldiers, guards, investigators, medics, mechanics, smiths; all the specialties in the military are overseen by the Brigadiers. There is one for each specialty in every district.

  • COMMANDERThey are the leaders of squads in certain towns/areas. That means they can deal with and manage hundred of soldiers. They work closely with Colonels, Majors, and Captains.

  • COLONELThe Colonels deal with the recruitment and training of soldiers and their specialties, everything from regular guards to smiths and medics.

  • MAJOR OR CHIEFThose in this position operate and run buildings. Guard stations, scouting towers, barracks, etc. They are also well versed in planning out situations and organizing attacks/raids. They are held accountable for crimes committed near their building. They can be fired or switched to an "easier" area if they can't keep crimes in their area down. They are also responsible for the squads stationed at their building and giving orders to the Lieutenants that lead those squads. (Generally Royal Guard Exclusive)

  • CAPTAINThe leaders of the base squads. They fill a common, but much needed role. They form bonds and trust with their squads. Making a squad of strangers work well and like a family. It increases their effectiveness in completing objectives and even makes the squads fight harder. They lead by example and take orders from those above them to give to their squad.

  • SPECIALISTS (MEDICS, SMITHS, scouts, etc.): The more supportive roles of squads, such as squad exclusive forgers and medic. While they take orders from their Captain, they also have special sets of rules to follow given to them by higher positions.

  • TEAM LEADER: They run a team of Adventurers and can be seen as second in command during dire situations where the Captain isn't available.

  • KNIGHT OR ADVENTURERThe lowest rank in either the Adventurer's Guild or the Royal Guard. Everyone starts out as one.


Etc. Guild Rankings

Rank Benefits

Having your character reach a higher rank can give a couple of cool perks you can take advantage of. More perks will come as characters develop.

TEAM LEADERS are in charge of leading their squad if their Captain isn't available. They come in clutch during expeditions if the squad separates, or if the Captain is injured and cannot perform their duties for the day. They rank above adventurers and therefore, can tell regular adventurers what to do whenever it's necessary. They may also be allowed to request to change members of their team with their Captains.

SPECIALISTS are, in all honesty, much like regular adventurers until their expertise is needed. While they don't have to, it is in their best interest to obey the orders of Team Leaders as well as Captains. On the other hand, because they are in a unique field, they must also follow a set of rules given to them by their superiors. Their priority is to aid their squad, and when in dire situations, protect their Captain over all else. In dire cases, they are allowed to disobey their superior's orders in order to save lives. Under no circumstances should a specialists give up on their team.

CAPTAINS must protect their squads, discipline unruly adventurers, and fill out paperwork that deals with their subordinate's attendance, expeditions, requests, ensuring supplies/packages were delivered, and other information. (A lot of the work is Colonel work that's been dumped off to them, so that's nice.) It's their job to establish a relationship with their subordinates and ensure expeditions are a success. Captains are able to change the layout of their squads, swap squad members with the Commander's approval, request expeditions/events, and order around all who're below them. They can hand out punishments to those who misbehave, and demote/promote those on their squad.

COLONELS mostly handle specialists (smiths and medics), but may also check in on Captains, Team Leaders, and Adventurers to make sure things are in line. Their skills must remain excellent at all hours, so most of their time may be spent studying to ensure they're always sharp. Besides this, Colonels can order all their subordinates around, and like the Specialists, also have a unique set of rules they must follow, allowing them to disobey the Commander here and there. Colonels must also make sure the Guild is well supplied, organized, and handling any disruptions accordingly; it's a life of paperwork. They play a part in recruiting adventurers and the 'average' joes, like janitors and whatnot. A Colonel is able to reorganize squads, send squads on expeditions/to events, discharge those deemed unfit, hand out suitable punishments, and etc.

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